The Yoga Synthesis Book Group's latest selection is the New York Times best seller "My Stoke of Insight" by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.

In the book, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor describes surviving a debilitating stroke in her left brain at age 37 through recovery. In the process of telling us about the stroke and the journey of reclaiming her abilities, she describes in layman's terms how the brain works and the importance of developing a balanced brain. She is uniquely qualified to do this as a Harvard trained and published brain scientist. She explains how to 'tend the garden of our mind' to maximize our quality of life. It's a quick read at 224 pages and an engaging story.

This is a karma yoga event. Raji and Rose donate the use of the studio and Jennifer donates her time. There is a suggested donation of $10. This year all donations go towards the Haitian Earthquake fund. Please feel free to add to the fund by bringing in your change and helping the lives of others.

Please RSVP if you are planning to attend May's Book Group.